Our Staff


Connor has been with us from the beginning and has proven himself to be a flexible thinker, reliable and friendly member of our team who possesses kind, compassionate and patient leadership skills coupled with an amazing ability to work out problems creatively and with optimism.

Colorado Springs Medicaid Transportation


Paige works behind the scenes with documentation and insurance verification. She is a critical part of the team as a whole as her efforts help us make sure that you have everything that you need ahead of time to make sure your transport goes smoothly.

Colorado Springs Medical Transportation


Leslie has been with us from the beginning (founder and ceo) and is mainly behind the scenes working administratively in order to keep our business running smoothly. Leslie believes that our organization’s successes are a direct result of each and every positive team members contributions. There is no one on our team  better than another. – we work together to achieve excellent outcomes and it shows.


This is Jaylene. She is a wonderful addition to our team. She has a great sense of humor and she loves ducks!


Elijah has been with us for quite some time now and has proven to be a reliable honest driver! Be prepared for a conversation! Elijah has a great sense of humor!